Senin, 07 Januari 2008

Happy New Year Friends...


I hope ...
we get better conditions
we have better friendly
we have better salary,...

I hope ...
we have new spirit
we have new better mind

2 komentar:

Ridwan Poerwoko mengatakan...

Mata Pelajaran : TIK Tanggal : Senin, 14 Januari 2008
Kelas : VII Waktu : 60 menit

1. Living in modern era, people mostly use electric appliances (peralatan). We use light technology too in our house. Mention tens light technology (electrical appliances) in your house.
2. In the past time people communicate with others using simple tools, such as sound of bamboo (kentongan), then letter, and the next are telegraph, telephone etc. Now Handphone becomes second needs of people. There are some advantages using HP, unfortunately there are also some disadvantages using them. Can you tell me 5 items of adventages and disadvantages using HP? Mention them
3. Computer as a light technology too has some component that we should be recognized (kenal). These components classified into two parts, these are soft ware and hard ware. Would you tell me
a. What are soft ware and hard ware?
b. What are each parts consists of ?
4. We have to do some steps to operate computer well. The good way how to operate steps by steps of operating computer will safe our machine and we can safe our data. Tell me how should we operating the computer in the best way beginning from the start until the end.
5. In modern mellinium, internet is one of the way to communicate with other people on the world easily. As the students of The Prior of International qualified Junior High School of Kepanjen forth, you have to well-known this machine, can operate well in proper way.
a. Tell me how you open this program?
b. Tell me how you send your file or paper/writing to other people.

Ok Good luck Guys, I’m waiting your work in my E-mail. The date line is on Wednesday, Januari 16, 2008
Or in my blog

Ridwan Poerwoko mengatakan...

Hepi new year 1429H. May Alloh Bless us always. Pardon our past mistkes and sins and give us hepiness and peacefulness